Friday, May 1, 2015

Mystery Machine

Scooby Doo is one of my son's favorite shows and I love that at the end of each episode we learn some lessons.  We learn about team work.  We learn about bravery.  We learn that all the scary monsters are really just people who when unmasked aren't really that scary.

I struggle with trying to be the best Mom I can be.  Trying to do the best for my child, for my family and for myself.  I struggle with a need to be perfect sometimes when there is no such thing as perfection.  I think that social media makes us feel like we need to live up to some kind of ideals that aren't necessarily attainable or even needed in life.  As parents we can sometimes feel like we hold the world on our shoulders but in reality, we make it that way for ourselves.

I could take some lessons from Scooby.  I can't do it all alone because sometimes it takes a village and we should accept and ask for help when we need it.  I should be a brave knowing  I can allow my child a little more freedom.  He can go on that field trip without his Mommy.  He can ride his bike two blocks to his friends house (as long as he calls when he gets there).  I can loosen the apron strings a little bit and my world won't come crashing down.  Finally, the monsters that social media and the news have made are really just people.  People with regular problems and a regular life just like the rest of us.  We don't need to live up to anyone else, we just have to be ourselves.

Quote of the day:

“To find yourself, think for yourself.”

Today's lunch box note for my son - Happy Friday!

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